2023 PA QSO Party Bonus Station - PA QSO PA

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2023 PA QSO Party Bonus Station

For 2023, the PA QSO Party has selected 3 Bonus Stations: KA3EEO, KW3A, and N3AAA.
2023 PA QSO Party Bonus Station KA3EEO:

Carol Nygren, KA3EEO, and Rob Nygren, N3RN, will be operating KA3EEO from their home in Luzerne County (LUZ).

From Carol & Bob:

KA3EEO will be operating as a multi-op single transmitter station full time on Saturday and Sunday.  We will be operating from our home in Luzerne County on both SSB and CW running 500 watts.  We will put up a hex beam for 20, 15, and 10 meters in addition to our usual antennas consisting of a G5RV and 40 meter dipole.

We will monitor 146.52 for rover or mobile stations passing thru the area.  To work as many individual stations as possible we will change bands and modes as needed.  If conditions warrant, we will spend the last hour of the contest on 10 meters and VHF.
2023 PA QSO Party Bonus Station KW3A:

Steve Forst, KW3A, will be  operating from his home station in Springfield Township, Delaware County (DCO).

Full time Saturday and about 4.5 hours on Sunday.

From Steve:

I can operate all bands 160 through 6 meters; SSB and CW.  I intend to do more CW this year and of course will be calling CQ, and not just doing S and P (Search & Pounce).

Station is a TS-890S and Elecraft KPA500 amp, so I will be in the 500 watt range.
Antennas are Hex Beam for 20 - 6 meters, and dipoles for  160 - 80 - 40 meters.

I don't expect anything on 2 meters, but will keep a radio listening on 144.200 USB in case anything opens up there.

For what it's worth, I am totally blind, but the 890 has full speech capability as does my computer.  The radio and pc both work well with the Writelog contesting software I have been using for over 20 years.

And yes, I did mention my blindness in the application I submitted to the PAQSO committee to be a bonus station.

GL to all. Steve KW3A
2023 PA QSO Party Bonus Station KW3A:
From Steve:
As usual, I had a blast in my favorite contest of the year.

Finished with around 740 QSO's, 118 mults, and score of 122K.  Not my best ever, but pretty close.

When I applied to be a bonus station I never thought I would be picked and applied kind of  on a whim.  For me, kind of a once in a lifetime thing.

Congrats to N3FCP who also lives in Springfield.  I used to win the DCO certificate  yearly, but he has  smoked me the past 2 years, setting a county record last year and maybe again this year.   So there is a new sheriff in town, at least until next October.

Tnx for the Q's, the fun, and the  chance to act as a bonus station.

Steve  KW3A - DCO

2023 PA QSO Party Bonus Station N3AAA:

Art Collins, N3AAA, will be  operating from his home station in South Franklin Twp, Washington County (WAS).

From Art:

I will be operating SSB low power full time Saturday and Sunday, I can operate SO2R so I may be on 2 bands at the same time.  I am going to set aside 1 hour blocks for 6m & 2m SSB operation as well as 160m, I will try and selfspot...

160m Saturday evening from 0300 UTC - 0400 UTC, 6m & 2m Sunday morning 1300 UTC - 1400 UTC

TX/RX antennas will consist of 160m Inverted L, 80M Horizontal Loop, 80M Vertical Loop, 40M Delta Loop,
10/15/20 Meters Mosley CL-33 & Mosley TA-34, 6m M2 6M7JHV & 2M Cushcraft 17B2

RX antennas 160/80 meters are a pair of 585' broadside phased beverages (EU), a 585' single beverage (W), 225' reversible BOG (NE/SW) and a 120' LOG

QSL SASE via QRZ info, log will be uploaded to LOTW after event
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