2022 PA QSO Party Bonus Station
The 2022 Bonus Station is operated by the Stepansky brothers: Joe (KQ3F), Steve (KC3WX), and Andy (N3VZ). The operation will be located in Lehigh County using the callsign of KQ3F, and aims to provide as many Bonus points to Party participants as possible. This is probably the first time in PA QSO Party history that the Bonus Station has been operated by 3 biological brothers.
From the brothers:
We will operate as a portable station in Coopersburg, Lehigh County. The station elevation is about 1,000 feet above sea level, with excellent views in all directions. The three of us will operate three networked radios and computers during the entire contest period both Saturday and Sunday. We will operate low power on the 160-6 meter bands, using both CW and SSB and possibly 2 meter simplex if there’s activity. We also intend to self-spot frequently via DX clusters and qsopartyhub.com, especially when making band or mode changes.
We have one overriding goal, which is to provide as many 200 point bonus station contacts as possible. We have over 100 years amateur radio experience combined, and have been operating major contests, including the PA QSO Party, for decades. In past PA QSO Parties we’ve operated fixed, portable, and mobile, both single and multi op. We made over 2,000 QSOs in the 2021 Party using the same location and equipment we’ll use for 2022.
All QSOs will automatically be uploaded to LOTW and eQSL. Paper cards will also be available to those who request them with an SASE.
Above all, let’s have fun. We certainly intend to do so and look forward to working everyone on as many band/modes as possible.
After-Party Comments from the Stepansky Brothers
Outstanding weekend with my brothers being the bonus station for 2022 PQP. We were portable low power near Coopersburg, PA. LEH. Murphy struck a few times but nothing insurmountable. It's a TON of work to set up and take down everything but well worth the effort. We also met our goal of "stalking" the bands to provide as many bonus points possible. Thanks for the tremendous feedback!!!
73 from Joe (KQ3F), Andy (N3VZ), and Steve (KC3WX)