2019 PA QSO Party Bonus Station
The Bonus Station for the 2019 PAQSO Party was K3SMT, Somerset County ARC, operating from Somerset County in honor of their 60th Anniversary.
K3SMT plans from Dave, N3XF:
We will have two high powered stations on the air for the entire event, concentrating on 80, 40 and 20. One will be on SSB and the other on CW for the whole contest and we will move bands depending on conditions and activity. A third station will be set up as a training station as some guys are not contesters but want to participate so we will be on 2 meter FM and SSB. I understand some rovers will be on 146.55 so we will listen for them as well as others. I plan on getting on 6 meter SSB/CW Sunday morning as I have done in past years.We have a dedicated computer guru who will be in charge of our local network and he will be posting our frequencies to the PA QSO chat on a regular basis and he will be watching spots and chat info for rovers and relay the info to the operators. I feel comfortable we will be able to provide the bonus points to anyone who may be looking for us. On Sunday, we will have more operators who are not contesters getting their feet wet, but we have had N1MM training sessions at our Thursday night meetings over the past month as well as reviewing the rules and operating procedures. Sunday will be slower and a good chance to train some new contesters and generally get some of our club members involved.The first few hours, K1ZE, my DXpedition and contest buddy and I will be on the HF stations when it is busiest so we can keep the rate up. We have backup rigs in case and the shack has a 20 KW whole house generator, which we hopefully won’t need. We even have a full time cook for the event!