69th PA QSO Party - October 11 & 12, 2025
Always the 2nd Full Weekend in October
68th PA QSO Party - October 12 & 13, 2024
Always the 2nd Full Weekend in October
62nd PA QSO Party - October 13 & 14, 2018
Always the 2nd Full Weekend in October
PA QSO Party - October 13 & 14, 2018
Always the 2nd Full Weekend in October
PA QSO Party
The Friendly QSO Party

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PA QSO Party Frequently Asked Questions
  1. Where are the rules for the PAQP?
  2. I'm new to contesting, what's an example of the contest exchange?
  3. Are all 67 Pennsylvania counties typically active?
  4. What are the rarest Pennsylvania counties?
  5. I will be active from Pennsylvania.  Should I share my PAQP operating plan?
  6. Where are the types of stations (home, portable, mobile, rover, county line, single op, multi-op) defined?
  7. I don’t have contest logging software.  What do I do?
  8. Can I make up my own abbreviations for PA Counties or ARRL Sections?
  9. Can I operate FT8, FT4, PSK, or RTTY in the PA QSOP Party?
  10. Is the use of spotting networks or self-spotting allowed in the PAQP?
  11. Should I work dupes?
  12. Should I remove dupes from my log?
  13. I made a mistake copying the exchange of station XXXXXX.  The other station logged me correctly.  Do I receive credit for this QSO?
  14. How do I log the time of the contacts in the contest?
  15. I do not have rig control, do I need to log the exact frequency?
  16. Can I change from multi-op to single-op during the contest?
  17. May I operate the contest using a single band?
  18. Who can call CQ?
  19. I'm in Pennsylvania, but my callsign does not reflect the third call area.   How should I send my call during the PAQP?
  20. What is the “Mobile Window”?
  21. What is a Bonus Station?
  22. Do I have to submit a log to participate in the PAQP?
  23. Are paper logs accepted?
  24. What is "Cabrillo"?
  25. How are PAQP logs submitted?
  26. Do I need to provide a claimed score when I submit my log?
  27. Is the receipt of my log acknowledged?
  28. Can I correct errors in my log after it is submitted?
  29. What PAQP awards and certificates are available?
  30. Do you have rules that determine whether a plaque is awarded (other than the fact that a plaque category has a sponsor)?
  31. I won the XXXX category, but nobody sponsored the plaque for that category this year?  Can I still get a plaque?
  32. I missed working all counties by one QSO!  Can I still get the award?
  33. May I sponsor a plaque?
  34. When are the results of the PAQP made available?
  35. How is information about PAQP shared?
  36. Is there any cost to participate in the PAQP?
  37. Where should I go if I have additional questions?
1.  Where are the rules for the PAQP?
Please see
2.   I'm new to contesting, what's an example of the contest exchange?
Brevity and clarity are keys to efficient contesting (refer to the ARRL Contest Basics).  Repeating what you have copied or adding phrases like "please copy" are unnecessary.  If you need a "fill" or repeat, ask only for the information that is required, such as serial number or county or the entire exchange only if needed.  Note that there is no need for using the K or BK prosigns on CW. Experienced CW ops are masters at sending only what is necessary and the same techniques can be applied to Phone operation.  Don't make up phonetics on phone - use the ITU Phonetic Alphabet.  It's also clearer to say the individual digits of a serial number on Phone, i.e., "One Zero One" or "Three Five" as opposed to "One Hundred One" or "Thirty Five".

Below are examples of a PA QSO Party exchange.  In these examples K3NG is the station calling CQ (or "running") and W3HC is the station doing "search-and-pounce" or looking for stations calling CQ.  K3NG is located in Carbon County (CAR), and W3HC is located in Lycoming County (LYC).

Phone QSO:
K3NG: "CQ PA QSO Party from K3NG, Kilo Three November Golf"
  W3HC: "Whiskey Three Hotel Charlie"
  K3NG: "W3HC number 101, One Zero One, Carbon County, Charlie Alpha Romeo"
  W3HC: "Thank you, you are number 35 Lycoming County"  (add phonetics for county if warranted: Lima Yankee Charlie)
  K3NG: "Roger, Good Luck, QRZed Kilo Three November Golf"

W3HC: "W3HC"
K3NG: "W3HC 101 CAR"
W3HC: "TU 35 LYC"
3.   Are all 67 Pennsylvania counties typically active?
Yes.  County activation plans are collected and updated each year and are available at  It is best to check this site often as plans evolve right up to the start of the contest.
4.   What are the rarest Pennsylvania counties?
Please see which shows the rarest counties for the last five years.
5.   I will be active from Pennsylvania.  Should I share my PAQP operating plan?
This is optional but appreciated by the PA QSO Party Association to help ensure that all 67 counties are covered.  Plans can be shared via
6.   Where are the types of stations (home, portable, mobile, rover, county line, single op, multi-op) defined?
Please go to section 9 of the rules.
7.   I don’t have contest logging software.  What do I do?
There are several contest logging programs available that support the PAQP.  The most popular programs are N1MM Logger+, N3FJP, and WriteLog.  Use the latest version to insure the best results.  Also, integration of the contest logging program and radio are strongly encouraged.
8.   Can I make up my own abbreviations for PA Counties or ARRL Sections?
No. Logged exchanges must conform to the standard abbreviations shown at  Use of non-standard abbreviations will likely cause the QSO to not count in the final score.
9.   Can I operate FT8, FT4, PSK, or RTTY in the PA QSOP Party?
No. QSOs can only be made on CW and SSB.
10.   Is the use of spotting networks or self-spotting allowed in the PAQP?
Yes!  The PA QSO Party allows and encourages spotting in all categories.  Self-spotting is permitted.  Spotting may be performed via the DX cluster and/or the PA QSO Party spotting  page available at
11.   Should I work dupes?
Yes, please.  There is no penalty for dupes, and a dupe in your log might be a valid QSO for the other station (e.g., the other station doesn't have you in their log).
12.   Should I remove dupes from my log?
No.  There is no penalty for dupes, and a dupe in your log might be a valid QSO for the other station (e.g., the other station mis-copied your call the first time).
13.   I made a mistake copying the exchange of station XXXXXX.  The other station logged me correctly.  Do I receive credit for this QSO?
No, you will not receive credit for QSOs if you miscopied calls, serial numbers, or locations (county or ARRL section).  The other elements of the QSO are equally important.  For additional information see section 5 of the rules.
14.   How do I log the time of the contacts in the contest?
You must use UTC for the QSO time.
15.   I do not have rig control, do I need to log the exact frequency?
For those without rig control, the logged frequency can be anywhere within the QSO band.
16.   Can I change from multi-op to single-op during the contest?
No. Once you operate as a multi-op station then you are multi for the duration.
17.   May I operate the contest using a single band?
Yes, but as there is no single band category you would enter as one of the categories defined in the rules.
18.   Who can call CQ?
Everyone can call CQ.  Here are recommended (optional) CQ messages:
Station Type
In State
Home, Portable
CQ PQP from AA3B
In State
Mobile, Rover
CQ PQP from AA3B Mobile(Rover) in Berks County
In State
County Line
CQ PQP from AA3B on the Berks/Lancaster County Line
Out of State
CQ PA from W1AW
19.   I'm in Pennsylvania, but my callsign does not reflect the third call area.   How should I send my call during the PAQP?
It is suggested that you add your county to your callsign to help participants recognize your Pennsylvania location.  For example, NK8Q/MER would denote that NK8Q is in Mercer County.
20.   What is the “Mobile Window”?
The “Mobile Window” is a set of suggested frequencies set aside exclusively for the mobiles to operate in.  Non-mobile stations should not call CQ or “run” in the “Mobile Window” to avoid interfering with the mobile stations.  You are encouraged to look for the mobiles in the “Mobile Window.”  Please see Section 4 of the PAQP rules for mobile window frequencies.
21.   What is a Bonus Station?
The Bonus Station is a special operation selected by the PA QSO Party Association.   These operations are often clubs that are commemorating anniversaries or other notable activities.  Each valid QSO with the Bonus Station is worth 200 points.  Please see section 11 of the rules for more information.
22.   Do I have to submit a log to participate in the PAQP?
No, but the submittal of a log, no matter how large or small, contributes to the log checking process and is strongly encouraged.
23.   Are paper logs accepted?
No. Only Cabrillo 3.0 logs are accepted.  Please go to for support in converting paper logs to Cabrillo 3.0 format.
24.   What is "Cabrillo"?
Cabrillo is a specification intended to establish contest log formatting standards.  Compliance with these standards facilitates electronic submission and checking of contest logs.  Contest logging software will generate Cabrillo 3.0 formatted logs.  The Cabrillo specification is available at
25.   How are PAQP logs submitted?
All PAQP logs should be submitted within 7 days after contest via (the page is activated a few weeks before the Party).
26.   Do I need to provide a claimed score when I submit my log?
No.  The log checking system used in the PAQP will automatically calculate the claimed scores for all logs submitted.
27.   Is the receipt of my log acknowledged?
Yes, the receipt of logs is automatically acknowledged via email.  Further, a listing of uploaded logs is provided at
28.   Can I correct errors in my log after it is submitted?
You may re-submit revised logs via, as many times as you like, until the submission deadline.  The last log you submit will be used for scoring.  You may not revise your log once the submission deadline has passed.
29.   What PAQP awards and certificates are available?
Please see for a listing of awards and certificates available to all PAQP participants.
30.   Do you have rules that determine whether a plaque is awarded (other than the fact that a plaque category has a sponsor)?
Yes.  Please see Section 15 of the PAQP rules.
31.   I won the XXXX category, but nobody sponsored the plaque for that category this year?  Can I still get a plaque?
Yes, you can pay the sponsorship fee and a plaque will be sent to you.   However, you must submit your request and pay the fee on a timely basis following the posting of the results before we send the list of the plaque winners to the vendor that produces the plaques.    
32.   I missed working all counties by one QSO!  Can I still get the award?
This is heartbreaking when it happens, but rest assured, it has happened to many participants over the years.  We only grant awards when a participant has met the award criteria.  This makes attaining the award that much more fulfilling.
33.   May I sponsor a plaque?
Yes.  Plaque sponsorship opportunities will be announced by the PA QSO Party Association in November.
34.   When are the results of the PAQP made available?
The results of the PAQP are typically released in January and are published at the PAQP Website.
35.   How is information about PAQP shared?
    • The primary source of information is the PAQP Website located at
    • The PA QSO Party Association administers a list ( for sharing PAQP related traffic including operating plans.  This list is open to all.
    • There is Pennsylvania QSO Party Facebook that is typically active before and after the PAQP; signup at
    • An informal warmup net is held on the Friday night before the contest at 8:00 PM local time on 3910 KHz +/-.
36.   Is there any cost to participate in the PAQP?
Donations are strictly voluntary and welcomed.  These donations are primarily used to cover the costs of maintaining the PAQP information technology infrastructure and PA QSO Party Association sponsored awards.  A list of all donors is available at
37.   Where should I go if I have additional questions?
Please send your question(s) to
Need More Info?
The PA QSO Party Association (PA QSO PA), its Officers, Board of Directors, and members assume no liability or responsibility for any injury or harm (including death) to any person or property as a result of participating in the Pennsylvania QSO Party or any other activities of the PA QSO PA.
©2018-2025  PA QSO Party Association
Created with WebSite X5 by N3IW
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