2020 64th PA QSO Party Final Results | |
Log Rescore Stats
181 logs with zero errors, total QSO's ranged from 1 to 209.
12 Golden Logs with more than 100 QSOs
81 logs with 10% to 100% errors.
147 logs with 5% to 9.9% errors.
246 logs with 2% to 4.9% errors.
105 logs with 0.01% to 1.9% errors.
CW Phone Mixed% of Logs
> 5% Errors 33% 28% 27%
2 - 5% Errors 32% 30% 38%
< 2% Errors 35% 41% 35%
663 Logs Received in 2020 PA QSO Party
2020 Soapbox
Soapbox comments from received logs.